Crystalizes Wild Primrose

Crystalizes Wild Primrose

As spring bursts into life, the primrose is amongst the first flowers to bloom. The young leaves can be used as a green vegetable or in salads, while the flowers are refreshing and sweet. Extracts from the roots of this handy little plant have been used commercially for decades, both in cough syrups and to treat arthritis and rheumatism. Both leaves and flowers can also be used as a tea to alleviate anxiety, insomnia and even migraines.
By crystallizing the golden flowers we are able to preserve the beauty of spring and use them as baking decorations throughout the year. 


Primrose flowers (or other edible flowers and leaves)
Egg white
Fine-textured brown, unrefined sugar
Small paintbrush
Baking paper



Rinse the flowers and lay them flat to completely dry before using.
Lightly beat one egg white mixed with a teaspoon of cold water.
Using a clean paintbrush, paint each flower with the egg wash. Make sure to coat the entire front and back. This part is very fiddly… patience is a must!
Pour ¼ cup of sugar in a bowl and place the coated flower in with the sugar. It’s important to cover as much of the flower’s surface as you can with crystals.
Once covered, place the flower face-down on a tray lined with backing paper.
Leave to dry to 1-2 days.
 Once hardened, use the flowers to decorate cakes, cupcakes, or desserts.
They can last for up to a year if stored in a dark, dry place.
Another old time favourite is to simply use the fresh flowers in your favourite cocktail as adorable decorations. 

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